The Laboratory of Hybrid Materials for the Bioengineering of Interface and Biotransport

Heart with heart beat and technical cogsThe Laboratory of Hybrid Materials for the Bioengineering of Interface and Biotransport’s overall goal is to develop advanced material systems that allow us to better understand and regulate interfacial and transport phenomena related to human health and sustainability. To achieve this goal, we focus on synthesis, characterization, and processing of “intelligent” materials with desired structure, property and functionality. We also integrate synthetic materials (e.g., polymer and metals) with living organisms (e.g., cells & tissue) by using cell and tissue engineering technologies and, in turn, create new hybrid materials that have not been explored to date. We are also utilizing the resulting material systems for a series of applications:

  1. Diagnosis and treatments of diseases
  2. Control of surface fouling
  3. Engineering of self-adaptive devices
  4. Assembly of autonomous miniature organs termed “organoids”

Our Principal Investigator is Hyun Joon Kong.

If you would like to learn more about us, check out our website here.

Current Research Areas