Diversity Statement

NSP Statement on Diversity

For the NSP, promoting diversity and opportunity are at the core of everything we do:  recruiting students from many backgrounds and with a broad range of interests; promoting excellence, creativity and novel approaches; nurturing a collaborative and collegial culture; and maintaining flexibility in graduate study.  Our goal is to be open and inclusive without regard to race, nationality, sex or gender identity, citizenship or any other limiting categories.  We have made great progress, but the work is far from finished and it must continue.

We are grateful to the leadership of our university, and of many of our campus units, for their statements embracing diversity and inclusion and rejecting fear and hate, and we are proud to join them in making our own statement.

We in the Neuroscience Program affirm our recognition of the worth and dignity of every person, the right of everyone to fair and equal treatment, and the fundamental importance of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity to our mission as scientists, educators, employees of a land grant university and citizens of the United States of America.

We welcome insight and suggestions for programming and events to open conversations within the program regarding our various similarities and differences to gain better understanding of one another.  We welcome community building in reaching out to our fellow colleagues and peers, including those who may be far from home and without local support, and welcome judgement free conversations to promote better understanding of the many issues of intolerance, hate and violence.  We should not feel ashamed or embarrassed by a lack of knowledge or experience in any area and be able to converse openly.  It is within us to create the kind of community of which we can be proud.


Martha Gillette
Neurotechnology of Memory & Cognition Theme Co-leader, Beckman Institute
Center for Advanced Study Professor
Cell & Developmental Biology Alumni Professor
Director, Neuroscience Program

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